• What we offer



    Compile and run source code inside your application.

    Sphere Engine Compilers allows for remote code execution, retrieving and displaying its results. We support 80+ programming languages and many industry-standard libraries.

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    Sphere Engine Problems

    华为手机模式具体设置步骤 - 软件帝:2021-6-15 · 身边使用华为手机的朋友很多,那么用户伔想要设置不同的模式该如何操作呢?为此小编特地带来了华为手机模式具体设置步骤,希望可众帮到大家。 华为手机模式具体设置步骤 1、打开手机的“设 …

    Create, manage, and display programming problems inside your software application. Sphere Engine Problems saves your time, money, and automates tracking the progress of your end users.

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    Sphere Engine IDE Beta

    Embed an online IDE inside your software solution.

    Use Sphere Engine IDE to teach real-life programming skills. Asses coding skills of your users in scenarios involving latest software technologies. Embed inside your software documentation to increase adoption.

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    Illustration of a developer feeling at ease with a lot of programming technology logos surrounding him
    What's included


    User-friendly Challenge Management System for creating and testing programming problems

    Examples of programming challenges

    Powerful and detailed performance reports 
and real-time rankings

    Ability to create fully customized testing and ranking formulas with numerous test cases

    Secure infrastructure with support and maintenance

    Unique know-how of our team and detailed documentation for developers

    See the benefits
    Icon symbolizing 24h availability


    With 24/7 support, SLA, custom feature development, a dedicated infrastructure as well as an on-premise solution, Sphere Engine is a single service to run recruitment, assessment, and e-learning projects at scale and save your money. Secure by design.

    What our clients say


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